Sunday, September 13, 2009


One day, a rabbit called Glamour was  trying to look for some carrots. She saw her cousin Marigold hopping in the field with a big basketful of carrots.

 Glamour went up to her cousin and asked her

“Marigold, can I please have some carrots?” Marigold replied “No.” Glamour was starving and she wanted those carrots. “I declare RABBIT WAR”

Glamour and Marigold were fighting over the carrots for hours and hours.

No one could break up the fight. Not even their mums. Glamour finally gave up. Marigold looked away for one minute and Glamour took the carrots and hopped away. Marigold ended up chasing Glamour for three days and two nights. But Glamour never got found.


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