Sunday, December 6, 2009

MY LAS Report

1. LAS is the safest place to be.

2. LAs is fun.

3. LAS is a good school because it is fenced off well.

4. LAS is about being connected to others.

5. LAS is a cool school.

6. LAS is pleasant.

7. LAS is polite.

8. LAS is nice.

9. LAS is being a self-manager.

10. LASis about being a life long learner.

11. LAS is about being respectful.

12. LAS is awesome.

13. LAS is about being actively involved.

14. LAS is a pleasant school.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Poems by Makayla

Sleeping Goldfish

After kindergarten
a surprise
swims in circles

Two goldfish
hide inside
an underwater castle

A week later
the fish sleep upside down
after I fed them

A kitchen sieve
tries to wake them
from their slumber

In the bathroom
I say a prayer
and flush the fish funeral

Haikus by Makayla


Cherry Blossoms
scattered on the ground
snow in spring.

Pukekos reflect
the blue sky
summer clouds float

A clown entertains
little kids
playground circus

Newborn babies
cry in the sun
fresh fruit salad.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


These are 4 Haiku poems made by me in a writing group I went to last week.

Boiled potato
turns into mush
butter lava falls.

Tomato soup
steams with smell
mouth waterfalls.

Native trees
pulled from their roots
transplanted countries.

As the clock ticks
seconds disappear
into the past.

Australian Vampires

The scent of burgers
waft from golden arches
as humans become spellbound.

Hunger rumbles
inside my stomach
as French Fries
dance in my mind.

Fruit bats swarm
the cabbage trees
beside the drive thru.

The sound of guano
dropping from the branches
awakens me from the trance.

To conquer my fear
I forget about milkshakes
and settle for
bat burgers instead.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Evil Rabbit

Once upon a time there was a secret spy that had lots of gadgets and an evil rabbit that wanted world domination but the spy always wins. This time the evil rabbit trapped the secret spy and took all of his gadgets and the rabbit sent out all of the bad guys.

Then the evil rabbit went with all of the secret spy gadgets and was destroying the world with the spy gadgets and the secret spy was fighting the bad guys and then robots and zombies. They all gathered around the secret spy had one more trick up his sleve he had a gun and took them all out but the rabbit already took over the world

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


At camp, for dessert, we had creamy ice cream with runny chocolate sauce and chocolate brownies. We also had creamy donuts with soggy and chocolatey sprinkles.
For dinner we had crispy, juicy nachos with crunchy chips and cold sour cream. The next day we had Roast Chicken with creamy mashed potato and hot roast potato. We also had runny gravy and crispy corn.
My first activity was climbing walls. It was so hard that I fell off once. My second activity was Go-Karts. Now that was so fun, I got stuck up a hill once but apart from that it was real fun. Our third activity was archery and air rifles and after that we done orienteering. On rifles I was trying so hard and at the end I shot the target down! Archery was really fun I shot the target but not the red. For Orienteering my group found all them apart from 3.
At bed time it was so fun but the only thing that annoyed me was I couldn't sleep because the next room was banging on the walls.
Camp was so fun I can't wait for next year!