Thursday, October 15, 2009


These are 4 Haiku poems made by me in a writing group I went to last week.

Boiled potato
turns into mush
butter lava falls.

Tomato soup
steams with smell
mouth waterfalls.

Native trees
pulled from their roots
transplanted countries.

As the clock ticks
seconds disappear
into the past.

Australian Vampires

The scent of burgers
waft from golden arches
as humans become spellbound.

Hunger rumbles
inside my stomach
as French Fries
dance in my mind.

Fruit bats swarm
the cabbage trees
beside the drive thru.

The sound of guano
dropping from the branches
awakens me from the trance.

To conquer my fear
I forget about milkshakes
and settle for
bat burgers instead.